Tough economic times tend to cause people to want to hold on to money. This is not a bad idea, unless it is your money they are holding on to.
In recent times we have noticed that exceedingly more businesses are struggling with unpaid bills. This causes cashflow issues that can have negative effects on your business, even when enough work comes through the door.
The Gravity Credit Management Masterclass is aimed at assisting businesses with getting solid procedures and practices in place to ensure you are never last in line to get paid. Or worse, end up having to write off large amounts of bad debt.
By completing the 5 lessons, and using them as a guideline to make the necessary changes in to your debt collection methods, you will see a difference in the percentages you recover, and the time it takes to recover them.
Should there be any specific problems you are faced with that are not covered in the content of the Masterclass, feel free to get in touch for a free, no obligations consultation with one of our debt collection experts.
Get started with Lesson 1 by clicking continue.
Should you be looking for some specific information, have a look at the index below to find the right section.
Key point covered in this lesson:
• Invoice what was agreed on
• The legally correct invoice
• Timing is everything
• The T’s and C’s that matter
• Methods of delivery
Key point covered in this lesson:
• Keep tabs on what you invoice, and when they are due
• Create a follow-up timeline
• Update paid accounts
• When to escalate
• Managing relationships
Key point covered in this lesson:
• Preventing disputes by knowing how they happen
• Where to draw the line – relationship vs cost
• The cost of disputes
• When all else fails, what do you do?
Key point covered in this lesson:
• Incentivising proactive payment
• Is it legal to charge late fees on overdue payment
• Penalty vs. interest
• How much is too much?
• Making Time or making a change
• Vetting Customers
• Tips that work
• Don’t do this
• Useful resources